E.ON in Sweden, as a DSO and service provider, aimed at demonstrating that a DSO is able to actively observe and in a smart way use the rural microgrid’s ability to respond to merit orders for flexibility. In Simris, E.ON also tested a flexibility market and performed simulations of a Peer-2-Peer market based on real values (Use Cases 3-5).

The demonstration, located in the village of Simris in southern Sweden, encompassed operating a local microgrid with islanding capability and the ability to power the system by using only renewable energy sources and using distributed Demand Response assets, placed at the local customer households.

Operating the local energy system and the microgrid within it, E.ON showed that a specific combination of power electronics, storage and renewables allowed to achieve stable system operation. Additions like Demand Response have been included and aided to improve the system flexibility and thereby the system resilience based on the high penetration of renewables, at the same time, new challenges have been introduced with respect to customer engagement.

The customers were participating with their own local residential energy resources or appliances, such as heat pumps, PV installations, batteries and hot tap water boilers. These assets were controlled by E.ON with the help of demand response, depending on the current needs in the local energy system. There has also been a platform where E.ON has implemented a flexibility market for active customers, based on their flexible contribution of energy resources. The customers have joined the flexibility market through a separate agreement, called Flex Agreement, for which they individually received a remuneration based on their actual contribution. The Peer-2-Peer market has been simulated from a Collective Self-Consumption perspective, all done with the customers in focus and based on real operational data.


Simris, Sweden


  • Development of a Local Energy System with islanding capabilities
    and Demand Response
  • Business models, Flexibility and Peer-2-Peer market concepts
  • Customer engagement


  • E.ON Sverige – demo leader
  • Coromatic, Lumenaza, Encorp, Loccioni, Enerox, Iconics, Netcontrol, Holtab,
    Fronius, NIBE, Ngenic, Comsel, M Climate
  • RWTH Aachen University


  • Active power and frequency control, peak reduction, microgrid, balancing
  • Active customer participation, recruitment rate, shifted demand, customer energy awareness
  • Apparent power control, improved islanding, activation of flexibilities


  • Seamless transition to and from islanding, of a MV microgrid with high share of renewables, with a battery system without a high- speed transfer switch (economic optimization)
  • Frequency-controlled operation of a redox flow battery
  • Battery SoC-controlled DSO-steering of customer assets via Demand Response
  • Development of Demand Response solutions for steering of customer assets: retrofitted and new heat pumps, water boilers, residential batteries
  • Demand Response solution via Smart Meter communication
  • Simulation of a Peer-2-Peer market from a collective self-consumption perspective based on real values
  • Customer flexibility solution with a visualisation tool
  • Customer engagement with proven increased citizen satisfaction

Swedish Demonstrators – Malmö & Simris

Testimonial of the Swedish project team and stakeholders


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