The closing ceremony of the InterFlex project took place in Paris on the 28th of November, 2019. It was an opportunity for the InterFlex community and all partners to get together and share the results achieved during the 3 year project duration.

The event gathered more than 100 participants from across the European energy sector. Stakeholders from various backgrounds, including the European Commission, European DSOs, regulators, aggregators, equipment manufacturers and research institutions, shared their thoughts and experiences. They had a vivid discussion on the innovations that may lead the way towards tomorrow’s energy system.

For a glimpse of the atmosphere, take a look at the video captured during the closing event:

“InterFlex is one of the most important European projects Enedis has been involved in. The project’s works will provide a significant contribution to the evolving energy sector in Europe” said Philippe Monloubou, CEO of Enedis.

During the ceremony, the InterFlex consortium also released its Project Summary brochure, with a focus on the project’s five innovation streams:

– Local Flexibility Markets
– Demand Response & Customer Empowerment
– Smart Functions & Grid Automation
– Cross Energy Carrier Synergies
– Multi-Service Storage & Islanding

The brochure presents the main achievements, challenges and recommendations formulated by the project members. It can be downloaded from the InterFlex website: 

Two complementary videos show the work of the different demonstrators and work packages in more detail:

As agreed by many of the participants at the event, the outcomes of InterFlex are encouraging and will be a very useful input for the next steps towards the energy system of the future.